Network - The PCXFireWall Network Host definition interface.
use PCXFireWall::Network; my $networks = PCXFireWall::Network->new;
# specify the Internal network $networks->register(index => "0", host => "", comment => "Internal Network");
Network is the netfilter Network Definition Object for the PCXFireWall.
scalar new(void) Creates a new instance of the PCXFireWall::Network object. Initializes the entries hash.
void display(fh) This routine will write the rules to the file via fh. This is called by the generator script.
void register(index, host, comment) required: host - network, MAC address, ip address index - the index of the network entry to create. comment - user defined comment for this entry optional: summary: This makes an entry in the entries hash of the form NETWORK_{index} = {host}
entries - hash of network host entries that need to be available to the shell script as NETWORK_# (where # is the index number 0, 1, 2, etc.)
NOTE: All data fields are accessible by specifying the object and pointing to the data member to be modified on the left-hand side of the assignment. Ex. $obj->variable($newValue); or $value = $obj->variable;
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